11/11: Nutritional homeostasis in social insects11/11 - Nutritional homeostasis in social insects
(parallel sesion)
ORGANISERS: Sara Arganda a, Audrey Dussutour b, Sara Leonhardt c a University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; b Centre de la Recherche sur la Cognition Animale, University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, France; c University of Munchen, Germany CONTACT: sarijuela@gmail.com
SUMMARY: Nutrition is the main factor defining the spatial distribution and temporal activity pattern for most organisms. A major challenge for any organism is maintaining homeostasis in nutritionally heterogeneous environments and changing demands of growth, development and reproduction. In social insects this challenge is especially complex as nutrition is a decentralized homeostatic process where food is collected by only a small number of workers and shared among all members of the colony. Our aim in this symposium is to better understand the role of nutrition in the life history of social insects, as an important extension to models of collective behaviour, sociality, and nutritional ecology of social insects. We therefore invite researchers to apply to our symposium to present their works focusing on 1) individual and collective mechanisms to adjust the nutrient supply in response to changes in colony size, demography and health, 2) the impact of nutrients on physiology, behaviour, and sociality and 3) the role of nutrition in ecological interactions among species.
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